arent we all blind sometimes?
17.10.2004 ~ 4:39 am

From Bodhia--What my handwriting says about me:

Lamlok would like to leave the past behind and move on.
Not sure if this is true. I have always looked forward to the future, but at this stage, not so much.

Lamlok has a healthy imagination and displays a fair amount of trust. She lets new people into her circle of friends.
She does not trust everyone. She has a select group of people that are truly close to her, usually two or three.
Paradoxical. I have many aquaintances, but it takes a long time until I can accept someone as a close friend. Very few know know me.

Lamlok is very self-sufficient. She is trying not to need anyone. She is capable of making it on her own. She probably wants and enjoys people, but she doesn't "need" them. She can be a loner.
Key word: "trying"; I'm shamefully dependent on certain people. But I do need to be alone.

Lamlok is sarcastic. This is a defense mechanism designed to protect her ego when she feels hurt. She pokes people harder than she gets poked. These sarcastic remarks can be very funny. They can also be harsh, bitter, and caustic at the same time... Often this sarcasm and "sharp tongued" behavior is directed at herself.

Diplomacy is one of Lamlok's best attributes. She has the ability to say what others want to hear. She can have tact with others. Lamlok can disagree without being disagreeable.
I speak selectively.

Lamlok will be candid and direct when expressing her opinion. She will tell them what she thinks if they ask for it, whether they like it or not. So, if they don't really want her opinion, don't ask for it!
When I left the UK, exactly two people said that they liked this about me. I had never noticed it. I don't often now, but when I do, it's a kind of compulsive truthfulness.

Lamlok will demand respect and will expect others to treat her with honor and dignity. Lamlok believes in her ideas and will expect other people to also respect them. She has a lot of pride.

Her emotions are stirred by sympathy and heart rendering stories. In fact, she can be kind, friendly, affectionate and considerate of others.
It sounds surprised.

She has the unique ability to get along equally well with what psychology calls introverts and extroverts. This is because she is in between. Psychology calls Lamlok an ambivert.
I am not in between. "Ambi" means both. My reality is inside, anyway. I'm more introverted.

Lamlok is moderately outgoing... She doesn't sway too far one way or the other... Lamlok is a "middle-of-the-roader," politically as well as logically... She sets her goals using practicality--not too "out of reach"... People that write their letters in an average height and average size are moderate in their ability to interact socially...
I sound terribly boring.

Lamlok is an expressive person. She outwardly shows her emotions.
I do here, but do I in Real Life? I've been told that I hide my emotions well. He's not too observant, then.

Lamlok has a stinger shape inside the oval of her a, d, or c. This might be hard to visualize, but if this little hooklike shape is present, then Lamlok has an unresolved "issue" with strong members of the opposite gender. An occasional appearance of this stroke could indicate a simple "loves a mental challenge" which can manifest in playful linguistic conversations and being attracted to a lover who isn't always available. However, if the stroke is severe, this means the individual has unresolved anger at the opposite gender..."
Thirty-something men who have their own lives, wives and girlfriends thousands of miles away count as lovers who aren't always available, right? So that's why I don't love Joe anymore; twenty-two and single, he's too attainable.

Some good points there. *steals handwriting examples off everyone to analyse*

Ooh. Sarf, maybe this answers our question. I further researched this stinger business:
It is the thrill of the chase, rather than the prize, that keeps them interested.
It's because of my "underlying resentment at the male gender." Pity the boy...

<< Psychoanalysis and whatnot. >>

th since 5th october 2001