arent we all blind sometimes?
12.10.2004 ~ 7:05 pm

Random thought just flitted into mind:

Wouldn't it be fun to devote an entire night to homework and university application things?

Ladies and gentlemen, I have hit rock bottom and am now commencing the ascent to the top.

79% in the calculus test was no excuse. I copied the problematic questions and just did them--easiest differenciation I have ever done. Must get 100% in next test.

And none of this late-night madness. Not even if it involves responsive poetry-writing. Not even if you are answering a poem amusingly named "Lover-loves-lover" which is somewhat written to you, his Goddess Serpentine. Not even if you share a name with a Scandinavian evil deity. And especially not if it involves holding a torch with your teeth.

Like that man who walks off into the snowy street in Love Actually. Like when he lets go of his love for Keira Knightley. And, you know, with her signifying the internet and all it's vices.

ETA: Failed. Failed. Failed. Damned email convenience. I must have written about fourty in the past few hours. They never had this problem back in the halcyon letter days.

<< "Enough. Enough now." >>

th since 5th october 2001