arent we all blind sometimes?
10.10.2004 ~ 12:20 am

So I survived. Clutching a cross pendant and Zaib's Muslim prayer-card in my right hand, address and map in left hand, Still Life in the stereo, murmuring Another Little Hole under my breath, I felt a little heathen.

And just to prove that it was our Faith that kept us alive: when SB went to get petrol without us, he nearly crashed twice. Yeah! I mean: every car should be blessed!

So he did seem to know what he was doing. Despite forgetting his headlights. Us not getting off the highway when we should have was really my fault, because I can read neither maps nor written directions nor huge road signs.

The dinner was a little blah because I didn't know half the people. I was also subdued from trying (and failing) to sleep just before getting dressed. I listened to Aqualung with my eyes closed, and by the second play, I was watching the clock every two minutes, so I got up and sang myself to relative lucidity. Then Zaib came and SB came and I had to leave and in the rush, I put the piece of card that tells you how to care for the leather of your handbag into my bag instead of the ticket. Thank god they have a list at the entrance.

I did it all so I could wear the shoes and it got fucking scuffed. All I did was walk around and get other people's dancing-sweat on me. My feet hurt and I smell. Thank you, thinly disguised school disco. Thank you, shit music and horny teenage grinding.

Oh oh and SB never told his parents when he was going to be back so they randomly turned up at the school, as we just so happened to be near the door because of phonage and so he had to leave. His parents are scary and emotionless and command absolute obediance. So Zaib and I feared for his life and walk back and try to take photos of the Eiffel Tower (theme is A Night in Paris). Suddenly he comes back in to say that he has to leave. He doesn't say. So I'm bored, Zaib's mum comes and we leave. Oh, and Still Life (signed by both Hales brothers) is Still Living in his car, which isn't really his car.

We were gonna all come to my house and watch Infernal Affairs (Demi's DVD has an alternate ending) but no thank you. I want to lie in a bath and sleep to music. And maybe sing.

At least I was pretty. Oh, and my corsage was even prettier.

<< Still Living! >>

th since 5th october 2001