arent we all blind sometimes?
05.09.2004 ~ 2:29 pm

I was at Habs, walking towards my coach. It was the end of a long day but Amy was the only one who wasn't an annoying little boy. And I couldn't sit next to her because annoying little boys were in the way.

Then the phone rings and by the time I find it, Fatima's leaving me a message and so when I call her back I'm leaving her a message except an empty text message comes whihc I thought cut the message I was leaving Fatima so I check it and it's wordless and I delete it and I'm still leavign that sodding message and I exit and I have a message. It cheerily said that they were having a study group at three and then maybe Hero at 5 and ice-cream after. It was 1:32pm and I had slept for 7.5 hours.

Oh, my friends are such geeks. Who wants to revise limits on a beautiful day such as this? It's been grey for too long, making blind-opening redundant and depressing. Now I can feel the sunlight heating up my hair. I ran around like a lunatic, opening curtains letting, some light in (I feel so grey).

Can't get it out off my head: You don't believe me, you think I'm cheesy!

ETA: They're changing the study group to after Hero but I can't even be bothered to ask mes parents because I angered my mum by typing this entry and not going down to lunch. And my dad just asked when "they" are coming because originally we we were gonna watch Matt videos. Who didn't tell him they weren't coming? Me. Everything is my fault today.

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th since 5th october 2001