arent we all blind sometimes?
02.09.2004 ~ 7:57 pm

My lappie has slowed to a halt. I am virus scanning it, but there will no doubt be countless adware embedded in various dark corners of the hard drive and I will be too lazy and too stupid to get rid of them. What to do?

I love love love the iMac. Alas, I can't get Gmail to work on here. Neither can I get on Joe' I'll need to update this version of IE.

So today's plan of non-stop internetting was foiled by my virus-ridden computer and my overwhelming tiredness. I took a three hour nap and woke up feeling better, but crap. That's because I was listening to Led Zeppelin, not Aqualung. All that reverse devil-singing must have had an adverse effect on the body and soul.

On the plus side, the academics are going very well (a piece of English homework came back with "Kudos!"), and Kristal taught me how to do that hair thing with a pencil/pen/any stick-like stationary.

I can't even get on the other Joe board because I don't have the favourites saved on here. However, my dear mother's favourites contain a Rose board from the same collection of fanboards. God, that board had an idiot who doesn't even know Joe's nickname. *rolls eyes*

I'm finding it harder and harder to love him lately. He's getting fat, and he's only 22! I guess that I'm in love with a memory. He was so much prettier in The Rose. He had long hair. And his gorgeously defined jawline. Now it's blending into his neck... And then there's the thing with me being the elitist bitch adn him failing school. Why do I care anyway? Having said that, here's the most impressive gallery of Joepics I've ever come across. And it's got an Audrey section. Loff.

I have much prettier ears, less claw-like hands, fuller lips and breasts than that...

I am so irrelevant and stupid. Florida is being blown away and mothers had to choose which child to save. Dead children lie in a burnt school gymnasium. The world is the bitchiest of all. Is the suffering worth it?

<< " in the real world begin to put our teenage summer holiday into stark perspective." - Ben Hales, 2003 >>

th since 5th october 2001