arent we all blind sometimes?
12.08.2004 ~ 9:48 pm

OK. I think I may have signed up for a mobile scam and emailed a lot of people asking them to join too. is supposed to be a free text messaging service, but from what I've read on Google, it seems to be ripping people off illegally.

If you got an email from me from, please delete it.

I keep reading about how it sends texts to your mobile and you get charged $3 dollars every three days. I'm not sure if these texts are ads that you get automatically once you register, or if you only get them if you join clubs. Fortunately, I haven't joined any, but it's still worrying because apparently, even if you delete your account (which I have already done), they still send you messages until you choose an option that says something like "STOP sending me messages". However, when I try to sign on and find this option, it tells me that my account has been cancelled. Not sure if this is good or not.

So far, the only texts I have from are three that tell me my activation code. I have checked on my Virgin account and they haven't cost me anything. So far my balance is $5.10 and I'm not making or taking any calls for the next few days for observation.

I called Zaib to ask her if she got an email from me about, and she says no, so I'm not sure if the word has been spread yet and I don't want to email everyone telling them to ignore the email if it hasn't been sent. But if any of you get one, please tell me!

*dies from worry* Sorry if this affected you!

<< - sorry sorry! >>

th since 5th october 2001