arent we all blind sometimes?
04.08.2004 ~ 4:05 am

Learn fangirl mandarin with Lok. First lesson.


Suai: (adj.) attractive, hott, gorgeous

Suai ge: (n.) pretty boy, beautiful man, sexy bastard

Tien ah: (interj.) omg

Repeat after me:

Yuan Chang shi i ge suai ge.

Joe is a pretty boy.

Tien ah! Kwei tai suai. Tse mo ban?

omg! Kwei is too beautiful. What to do?

Definition of Kwei: the one on the left.

Sorry, couldn't resist gratuitous boykissing.

Today is one of the hottest days of the summer - 99 degrees fahrenheit. As I embarked on my 30 second journey to the post box, I heard the beginning sounds to Brighter than Sunshine. I was either dying of heat/sun stroke or something very excellent was about to happen. I got The Rose VCDS and book, of course. And I just saw four episodes back to back. It's a brand new incentive to make myself work - do work, have dinner, watch pretty brotherkissing (with other things in between) till the early hours.

Oh, new TV came too - bloody massive, slightly grainy TV. Slightly grainy because it's a bit crap. So crap that when my dad tried to pull the plug out, he pulled some chunk of metal out with it. He's gonna get a new one. Then I'll show you massive!Kwei. And I'll start my Kwei appreciation week by wearing my dressing gown everywhere and eating huge packets of crisps. Oh, and looking absolutely fabulous.

<< Suai ge! >>

th since 5th october 2001