arent we all blind sometimes?
16.02.2004 ~ 4:56 pm

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. i didn't mean for the brother thing. God Bless the Valentine's Day Drabble-Matic!

>b>To Fratenally Blow

Matt and Ben were celebrating a perfect Valentine's Day together. Matt had cooked an admirable dinner and they ate on a stool by candlelight.

"My darling," Ben said, stroking Matt's waist, "I have something for you." He gave a box to Matt. "It is but a refreshing token of my ideal love."

Matt opened the box. Inside was a magnificent candle! He gazed at it charmingly. Then he gazed at Ben charmingly. "It's ineffable," Matt said. "Come here and let me blow you."

Just then, a handsome crone sprang out of hiding and cackled as harry as Larry, if not more happy. "Your happiness will not last!" she said in a deistic voice and dropped a piece of paper onto the dinner table.

Ben read it. "It's a page from a diary. It says that you're my brother."

They stared at each other huskily as the crone cackled some more. Matt's neck began to tremble. Then Ben shrugged, pulled out an egg, and hit the crone on her arm. She fell over dead.

"Problem solved!" Matt said and kissed Ben delightfully. "This is a ravishing Valentine's Day!"

They graciously burned the diary page in the candle and never told another soul.

And then they blew each other all night long.

again, i apologise.

<< stash-omatic! >>

th since 5th october 2001