arent we all blind sometimes?
23.12.2003 ~ 12:30 am

my new hobby is making up personalities on didn't really work cos i think those kids are too stupid. a boy who claims to be 16 doesn't know what "verbose" means. i, pretending to be 14, imtimidated him to silence. hm. then there's someone who keeps saying "ANY BOYS WANNA CHAT WITH ME?" i did, but all she said was "ok". so i asked her if she knew what a conversation is. i think i was too bitchy or i'm not the type for paedophiles or both.

i bought some Paul Mitchell shampoo the other day. i used to buy it from a hairdressing place near my old coach stop. then my hair got bored of it. but i have it once more and it smells like pi�a colada and my hair seems to like it. the conditioner smells of green apples. i have yummy hair. crapply, i tend to actually eat my hair nowadays because it's so long that it likes to go in my food.

i'm going incoherent. and trying to learn chat lingo. asl = age/sex/location. 8/f/sweden. i'm a web of lies. actually i'm too much of a web of truth, hence the practicing. lying is good excercise for the brain. you have to remember what you said and not contradict it, then what you said to what people. very exciting. makes it very difficult when people are called things like "guest 70542".

i like my sexually ambiguous name Arsequake (like my real name). now i'm scottish. sarf is a german growing up in taiwan, speaking english in the home and also mandarin. hahahaha!

we started a fight. can't remember how, but we are now "disputing", but cleverly over private messages, so we don't have to say anything. oh dear, now we're calling each other names for female genitalia. no reaction except for a "whoa". how annoying.

i don't think i was very convincing. i was too polite before.

oh my god. i told a 13 year old girl that i was a 14 year old boy called Jon living in New Zealand. i know too much about her. it was too easy. i really hope she made it all up. this should be illegal or something.

should have made her fall in love with me, though.

ETA 3.04 am: did you know that the bite of a tarantula gives you a nervous reaction called tarantism that makes you want to dance? to cure it, a dance called the tarantella was created in Italy. it's in 6/8 time.

i'm the only person i know who looks up words in fanfic.

Sirius felt that if the moment had been played back in slow motion, one could pinpoint the exact second that James ripped his heart from his chest and did a tarantella on the remains.

<< practice makes perfect. >>

th since 5th october 2001