arent we all blind sometimes?
12.08.2003 ~ 1:44 pm

i was reading entertainment weekly magazine, and it said that dido was shooting a video for her song White Flag. she's so famous that she can choose who she wants to play the mr tall, dark and handsome whom she stalks. did you just say tall, dark, handsome and stalk in the same sentence? i know whom i'd choose. but whom did dido choose? none other than d "tall, dark and broody" b. fabulous. the ex-fan in me wants to see it, but hey, it can only be 5 minutes long max, so i won't have to vomit into my hands or anything. the problem is that i'm searching fr the video and i have to click on these links, which i am reluctant to do. i tried to read and interview, but it just got boring.

i saw The Rules Of Attraction last night. this is the film that's supposed to undo the dawson image attached to james van der beek. he's still a dawson to me, though. a dawson who picks his nose, does drugs and alcohol, wanks, takes a shit and has implied gay sex with ian somerhalder in a fantasy scene. i think they cut the gay sex out. which was a shame. that's it, really.

oh, and if you have to watch it, watch it for ian somerhalder. he's tom welling without the jutting jaw. very pretty. and he dances around semi-naked in a very, very gay fashion on several occasions. one with his gay friend dick-not-richard. watch it for that. and maybe for shannyn sossamon clothes.

it's not very good, basically. now read the last entry.

<< what rules of attraction? >>

th since 5th october 2001