arent we all blind sometimes?
28.07.2003 ~ 3:08 am

warning: this entry contains words such as effin'* and 'eck. so if you're easily upset, you can stick a finger up your arse.

EFFIN'* 'ECK i'm moving to america! that's across the atlantic sea or ocean, as my dad has just kindly informed me. he was a geography teacher, you know. here's how i remember: virgin atlantic, cathay pacific. just like the way you remember that meiosis happens in my ovaries, mitosis happens in my toes. doesn't work if you don't have ovaries, though.

i'm bloody moving! i have one day left! (tomorrow, in case you can't figure it out)then i have to wake up at 6 am and go to heathrow or gatwick or whatever and fly across the atlantic ocean to houton and stay there forever and ever! (except for holidays, when i return to hong kong and here (that's london, in case you can't figure it out).) oh my deity.

ahhhhhhhhhhh! one more day! in bonny england.

i was talking to minion sarah via email the other day when she said something like, "you might as well say 'i love england!'"


it's a effing* fabulous place. especially london. everyone should come here and take a look.

there happens to be a lot of cash hidden in random places of my house. my dad is discovering a lot of money.

he has just kindly informed us that the large amount of money (50 000) is in lire. hahahahaha. crazy man.

god, i'm moving to america. school starts in two effing* weeks. eff* it!

i might not be online for a while. because i'm moving to effing* america. hm.

*all forms of the eff word were used for the sake of irony and do not reflect on the actual way with which the author speaks. thank fuck.

ETA: this is my 800th entry. i want a cake!

<< and now i effing realise. >>

th since 5th october 2001