arent we all blind sometimes?
24.07.2003 ~ 5:47 pm

hello all. I shouldn't be typing this, cos I'm moving continents in less than a week, you see, and my house is full of stuff and I heard that that's not good. nuh-uh.

I'm leaving on Tuesday 29th. so counting today and Tuesday, I'd have 4 days left in this country. which is really not so great. but, ticca will be back from the lands of the scots soon and meera's back and jenni's here and mad's back (or will be I'm not so sure) so it's practically all good.

it'd be great if I really hated this country and can't wait to get out, or if I hate my life or something melodramatic like that, but unfortunately that is so, so far from the truth. it would also be great if I loved america as much as I did 6 years ago. ironically, I like it here more now that I'm leaving; the whole grass being greener on the other side thing (or, as the Cantonese say, rice from next door smells nicer). and how ironic that all my obsessions until now have been american. I used to think that it'd be great to move there os I'll get to see buffy, angel and smallville. at least there are buffy reruns. I heard that they don't rerun angel cos no-one watches them.

just turned the auto correct setting for turning '�'s into 'I's off. freedom!

i'm really good at washing dishes now. so i do it at one item a minute, but they're sparkly clean and it's all about quality not quantity anyway. nothing i hate more than stains on crockery when you're trying to eat. and what's that i hear? there's a dishwasher in my new house? great and not so great. i'll have to be pre-wash queen, then.

i watched a rerun of Trust Me, I'm a Teenager last night. right after Big Brother live, which was i watched without sound. i didn't really watch it, i just occasionally glanced up and saw the housemates yawn. but back to Trust Me: i've never seen it before and it was a pleasant surprise to see a child who looked like a young jake gyllenhaal. coincidentally, his name was jake. and that was jut about the most boring anecdote ever on sorry. it amused me.

<< i can't think of a title and all this thinking is hurting my head. >>

th since 5th october 2001