arent we all blind sometimes?
29.06.2003 ~ 8:00 pm

hello. i've just had my last cello lesson. not as in i've played the cello for the last time, but the last time i will ever see my cello teacher.

i portray my cello playing as a generally bad thing, cos i never have time and i don't practice, but it's been one of those running things in my life and i'm really glad that i've continued doing it despite not practising for months and not going to lessons are entire terms.

there's been good times, like my grade 4 exam, which was made 3 weeks earlier, so i had 3 weeks to prepare for it. i had lessons twice a week, practised a lot and got a distinction. i haven't had an exam since. scary.

i remember the first time i met my teacher. i went to 3 separated cello teachers that day and she was the final one. her road is really long and we got off the cab at the opposite end so we had to walk a long way down the road to get to her house, and the road was stupidly numbered, so instead of odd numbers on one side and even on the other, the numbers went up up one side of the road, then across to the other side. very confusing.

anyhow, we've been through some good times. mostly good times. i'm gonna miss her. she taught me everything i know about playing the cello.

so. before my Last Cello Lesson, i went to see jenni and ticca. we did many things, for example horizontal bungee running (where the inflatable thing deflated due to the collective weight of jenni and i). the most exciting thing was ticca and i introducing fanfic, slash and to jenni. we've corrupted her innocent brain. harry/draco rocks!

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th since 5th october 2001