arent we all blind sometimes?
13.06.2003 ~ 3:37 pm

hello. i just did my RS exam. hwo did it go? i finished it. that's all that matter. i'd also like an A*, but that's... one more to go. and it's physics. yeeeeeeeeeeeeees!

i've been revising all morning. 9-1, 4 hours. not really, there was much chatting and photo-taking involved. and deep, ethical discussion, of course. to abort or not to abort? when, if ever, is the soul planted? why does UK law allow abortion a week after viability? those are the questions.

just saw a picture of someone (who i thought was federico, but now i don't cos i took a look from the front) on the channel 4 site. it's been cut in 2 so one half is his eyes and the other is his mouth. from where i'm looking (sideways), he looks like matt hales. hm.

it's friday and i've only got one more GCSE left. and it's on tuesday. so i have no revision this weekend. however, if i revise it all before 12:30 am monday, i'll be able to watch aqualung on BBC1! (eta: it's on tomight on BBC3)yay! musical-y goodness. and they'll be playing 'god only knows', which is the best song. because a) it's by the beach boys; and b) i tried to work out the tune all of yesterday, and now i know it, it'll be in my head all day and i don't want all that effort to go to waste.

by the way, i'm in the library, typing at another mucky keyboard. with katie. she says:

hey everybody, i just want you all to know that we are not really sad and that we dont spend all of our time on the computer, ( only most of it !!!) no seriosly, we all love lok and we are all really sad that she is leavin, so u hav all ghotta stay in touch with her!!!, ok u probabli wanna hear more from her

katie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

no really, we don't spend all out time at computers, just in the library.

4pm. bye bye!

<< GCSE day 15 - RS ethics. >>

th since 5th october 2001