arent we all blind sometimes?
02.06.2003 ~ 5:04 pm

GCSE day 7? biology.

started revising last night while watching �six feet under�. it was good, by the way. then i watched some of �reservoir dogs� and then �the animatrix - kid�s story�. continued revising cramming this morning.

how was it? well. i should have learnt about william harvey. all the history people know about him and galen, and my bio teacher made some passing comment about him, but that was it. and did i recall anything she said? no. so i made up some crap about blood. good bye 4%.

i�m reading again. books that is. a book. i bought it because there was a 3 for 2 offer and wongsiu/alison chose two. i got it cos it is bright pink, very short and is in the hugest children�s-book type-size. that is a precise index of how shallow i am. it was also published in the year of my birth and was translated from japanese. and it has a transvestite in it. which is always good.

ETA: the book, i forgot to mention, is called Kitchen and it's by Banana Yoshimoto. its quite good, methinks.

wise words of the day (i know, i gave it a name, a restricting name which implies that whatever i share has to be composed of words, and wise ones at that. and i have to do it everyday now. phfffft. like i stick to my rules.) :

Some people look better in the dark
Better in the dark
Better than they should

-Can�t Stop Myself, RUTH

ETA 10.18: i missed 45 minutes of angel. bloody. re:covered is on, maybe they'll at least say when aqualung will be on. maybe not. fraiser tonight. west wing. animatrix: world record.

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th since 5th october 2001