arent we all blind sometimes?
19.11.2002 ~ 11:07 pm

oh my god. i read the review on angel's acolyte on 'rain of fire' and -oh my god- cordy had sex with connor. thats right kids. go and have sex with your mother figure, everyone! i wanted ConCord to continue, but i never thought that it would. this way. no maybe i did. but its something you'd expect on some unconventional shipper's page, right? here's what TwoP said:

There's good news and bad news. Angel Investigations is doing great business, but that's because the world may end. Gavin was gagged during his brief appearance, but Wesley still won't shut up. Gunn figured out where to find a horrible demon, but nobody could stop it from killing a lot of people and setting the sky ablaze. Cordy isn't ready for romance with Angel, but she is ready for pity-sex with Connor. Fred and Gunn might break up, but Cordy had sex with Connor. Angel looks as if he might go nuts again, but it's because Cordy had sex with Connor. Oh, and there's a demon that may bring about the apocalypse. But we might not mind, because Cordy had sex with Connor.

man, they took the words right out of my mouth. cordy had sex with connor. i'm gonna start being a TwoP fan. in your face, ticca.

<< this ConCord thing. >>

th since 5th october 2001