arent we all blind sometimes?
27.08.2002 ~ 11:10 pm

i'm back. mmmm..this keyboard is nice... but everything else isnt.

everything is so small here. your cars, your roads, your house. i nearly fell down the stairs they were so small and steep. the ice is small and has to be manually made, the tv is less than a quarter of the size of my aunt's. the fridge and freezer are tiny. so are the cartons of orange juice in it. the cans of coke. at least i'm in non-overflowing toilet land.

i saw the scorpion king, which was cool, but lame. the action was clumsy, but thats what you get when you get a wrestler to do it. the rock and kelly hu are cool, too. then i saw showtime, which was enjoyable. robert de niro was very cool. then i saw spirit: stallion of the cimarron. that was the biggest feel good film ever. i loved it. and i love horses. animated ones, anyway. or i have a thing for big eyed animals (hey kobe!).

i miss kobe. he's gonna be not eating for ages again. poor, pretty dog.

i just deleted two paragraphs because i thought that 'control C' was copy, when its 'apple C'. damn PCs.

<< i'm back! >>

th since 5th october 2001