arent we all blind sometimes?
13.07.2002 ~ 17:06

izzie, you label whore, i envy you.

anyhow. more about yesterday. rach and i went to HMV. i was looking for rasputina's album with transylvanian concubine. told rach it was was cello band thing. she told me to look for it in the classical level. reasonable, i mean, when did HMV know their classical music?

so i am wrong. in hindsight, that dog listening to the gramophone, the classical gramophone...

i asked the classical guy. really nicely.


"yes." so it has a goth name, shut up.

he looks it up in the database.

"its in the rock and pop section" followed by the most insincere, -3000 watt smile. fuck off.

"you know, they used to call themselves the LADIES' CELLO SOCIETY!" i yell 'at rachel'.

the one CD in stock turns out to not have any track names in it. i know for sure that it has 'transylvanian concubine' in it. unuseful. i bet they have Vanessa Mae, Bond and the Opera Babes in the pop and rock section too.

<< it's in the pop and rock section. >>

th since 5th october 2001