arent we all blind sometimes?
01.06.2002 ~ 3:23 pm

woohoo. mucho televisionary celebration. today i found out that zoe duncan jack and jane is still on channel 5. under the name of 'zoe' simplemente. kinda wierd. and there're not in highschool anymore (like i'd be sure if they ever were). but hey, got my rosenbaum fix, so muy happy. he wears glasses. muy cute. and so does elijah wood, you know that?

also good is that angel's gonna be on e(at last) about time much channel 4?

and E4 is repeating the entire season of smallville. so if izzie is reading this (hey izzie!), please please please be a dear and record the episodes for me? cos i will be forever gratified and you can use it against me for my whole life. waddaya say? please please please?

okay. still on high from 'zoe'. hehe!

oh, and alison/wongsiu is here now, and she has something to say:

CAN'T BELIEVE DR. GREENE HAS ALREADY DIED ON E4 ER!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOO!!! Very upset about that.. just thought you should all know.. hehe

<< zoe. and jack. and possibly duncan and jane. mostly jack. >>

th since 5th october 2001