arent we all blind sometimes?
13.01.2002 ~ 7:39 pm

my day started off pretty badly, so i've been telling everyone about it until even i'm kinda bored. it all started in the 1st lesson, biology...

i sneezed so ash was like 'bless you' quite naturally. i was gonna sneeze again, when she 'blessed' me just b4 i was about to. so strangely i didnt. so ash started telling me about how if you 'bless' someone before they sneeze, it stops them sneezing. then suddenly, Dr biology was all "would you like to share with us your interesting conversation" to me (why?). i thought no, but since she was all reverse psycological i decided to go reverse on her too (, bitch). so i went on, at length, about it. and ash joined in about how its probably a psycological thing. and i was like: yeah, maybe your 'blessing' of the sneezer before their sneezing is completely unexpected and therefore mildly shocks them and works like when you stop hiccupping cos you get shocked. its all very interesting really.

so i was walking out of the biology corridor appropriately pleased with myself cos i kinda took the piss out of biology's rhitorical question. when through the glass bit of the door i saw ash (who is on crutches btw) drop her bag down a couple of stairs. so being the good samaritan i am, i kicked open the door and picked the bag up. at the same, the door was closing fast and this chemistry teacher, who must not be named (cos it'd ruin her career if this leaks out), walked into the door carrying this tray of crucibles and chemicals or something perishable and shouts "keep the door open!" at me. me. i, the good samaritan, mid-motion of picking a bag up a few steps from the door. just because i am a good person does not mean that i can pick up a bag AND simultaneously keep a door open for someone i didnt know existed before she started shouting, at me.

hello? out of at least 3 non-cripples present, why shout at the one already doing the good deed? do i send out "use me" vibes? ticca, who was present in all this didnt get involved in any of this. "being invisible has its benefits," she says. and i got "pay attention!" shouted at my mid-turning face. like i have eyes on the back of my head. i have people to see, cripples to help.

ticca says she has major pms. just hate that woman.

<< people to see, cripples to help. >>

th since 5th october 2001