arent we all blind sometimes?
22.11.2001 ~ 10:51 pm

last time i got 94% in physics. then the rest of the class got like 50, or something. so we ALL had to do a retest. like why? i had to relearn everything! dah. it was easy anyhow. probably got 100% might have lost one mark. fleur and i got kicked out the room had to go to this other physics room full of eager (no they did sound that way: all quiet and speaking in turn. perfect classroom harmony. *shiver*) so while trying to remember the unit of moments, i caught this:

teacher: why cant iron be used (for magnets)?

1st years: ...

me thinking: duh!

me under my breath: sooooft metaaaaallll!

and no one got it for another 5 mins.

well, my intelligence is superior.

so i went to do dt during my free today. my very first time. so i ran to mr dt teacher and asked for a note and ended up explain how there are (apparently, cos someone else calculated) 13 days of actual school left.

felt an immence sense of power with that note. waved it in the face of the teacher who sits my free. "can i go to my free? i have a NOTE." last time she wouldnt even let me go to the library to do my RS without a note. i mean, big whoop, library. she doesnt even mind people going to the loo, or to hand stuff in. why?????

so i got into dt. full of third years. making BIG things. huge. started chatting. they were completely pumping my for info. "what GCSEs are you doing?" "is amy really that clever?" okaay. well, i managed to cut a head.

<< thursday. >>

th since 5th october 2001