arent we all blind sometimes?
18.10.2001 ~ 8:17 pm

so much happened in the last two days. concert nights, which = bad food and deafness. highlights:

got an A in english (marked by gcse standards)

flunked spanish, french and biology tests.

beyond tiredness. the type where your get really tired the night after, ie now, and cant type.

cool new dt teacher let me and chess take random photos on digital camara (altho only one came out) and he also lets us bring our friends in and talk about disney songs (which, may i add, are v good) and all that at half an hour after the after school activities were supposed to be over.

made fool of myself in all lessons wher senior staff sat in and spied on us:

1. karen and i in maths (set 1, nota bene) okay, heres what happened:

i 4got my math exercise book. headmistress comes in and listens to our conversation:

me: shite, 4got maths book

karen: well i was a good girl, i've got mine

me: thats cos u didnt give it in in the 1st place

k: well at least i've got mine now

math teacher: we dont need our maths books 2day, cos we're going to the computor room (so i can show off my new graphing program)

me: i knew that.

so we go in the computer room. then we start doing the math. karen for gets her password, then does this thing wrong. and i quickly follow, making the same mistake. then i realise that there's a way to avoid the mistake. so i tell karen, and by that time both teachers were behind us. we use the method, very clever, then the computer tells me that its an 'illegal operation'. on the 5th time i use it. so i spent 5 mins closing the simutaneously appearing messages and start again. hey, guess what? amy, star of the class, has been doing that all along. but nooooo, her computer doesnt think its illegal, noooooo, cos shes a star.

2. perdido todos los libros, carpetas y las otras cosas nesesita para una leccion espanola con la deputy head sitting a metre away.

<< go team lok! >>

th since 5th october 2001