arent we all blind sometimes?
2001-08-01 ~ 9:03 p.m.

4 great wonders of the confectionary world:

why do they make popular confectionary into ice-cream?

mars - good. caramel a tad sweet

snickers - caramel 2 sweet 2. nuts not a favorite

kitkat chunky - too much chocolate. too sweet

chunky - waaaaaaaayyyyyy too sweet w/ those chunky bits

m 'n ms - in a cornetto

smarties - that stupid pushie-upie thing with the smarties inside

galaxy - annoying big column of chocolate in middle

flake - already accociated w/ chocolate

xploder - shite. why the coke and lemon ice lolly?

jelly babies - wierd jelly, cool lolly

twix - i avoid the chocolate anyway

rowntree fruit pastels - good. why make best flavor (blackcurrant) least?

starburst - uneventful

why do they change the perfectly good names of popular confectionary?

opal fruit - starburst

coco pops - choco crispies

why do they change them back?

coco pops - choco crispies - coco pops

why do they change them in the first place?

try singing the following to its theme tune:

"i'd rather have a bowl of co-o co pops"


now try this this:

"i'd rather have a bowl of cho-co crispies"

after doing this several times, you would have realised that the first is more fitting. why change it and then do a load of adverts to ask people if they wanna change it back, and then change it back?

why? i'll tell u why. there are two different theories:

1. the people responsible are stupid.

2. they are stupid enough to think that they would be really clever if they do this marketing gimmick that would help their failing sales.

i rest my case.

<< 4 great wonders of the confectionary world >>

th since 5th october 2001