arent we all blind sometimes?
2001-07-11 ~ 10:33 p.m.

Freedom! no more school 4 another 8 weeks! Hello Summer holiday and chilly weather?

okay. bad weather, but good holiday. only started 7 hours ago, but good anyways. it all started yesterday...

yu is leaving to go back to japan, so i asked wot she wanted (that was quite a long time ago, so my buying of her present yesterday was completely my own personal procrastinating fault.) she said she wanted a fake tiffany (didnt specify 4 wot part of body, but one of those chain through the heart things) and the book "the amber spyglass" which everyone knows about except me, cos i dont read at all. couple a days ago yu was spotted with one of those tiffany necklaces so i proceded yesterday to buy the book, armed with its name and the info that it was the third in a trilogy.

got off the coach yesterday and walked to wh smiths. ignorant girl serving at the till (not just any till, the BOOK till) didnt no wot it was. so i told her to search 4 it. "the amber spyglass" i said. she goes on to search 4 the letter T, then when she had finished with the word "the", asked how to spell "amber" and if it was "amber's". hello. grammatically impaired child (who was at least 4 years older than myself), if it were "amber's", then there wouldnt have been a "the" be4 it, now, would it? tsk, tsk. go read some of those key stage 2 english books u sell.

so the search comes out with about 7 versions of the book, each with a different price, none available. well, at least i found out its author's name, phillip pullman. so the girl goes and searches it on the alphabetically arranged shelves in vain.

okay, waste of time, so i ran to waterstones. which was closed. well, one more customer. so when she decided to leave i stopped the guy unlocking the door 4 her *not so fast* he greed to me going in to find a book, but the annoying shop woman was on the phone. "put that down for mrs whatever, please" hello, mrs whatever, who is already gonna pay can wait. customer infront of you who is definately paying if you have the book can be lost due to lack of attention. (i understand the business of the shop girl, shame i'm that its beneath me.) so i search 4 it again, oblivious that it is a children's book. annoying woman pust the phone down at long last so i asked her 4 the book in the nicest fashion. " the amber...?" *this was gonna take a while*

then suddenly, salvation came in the form of a shop girl with redding's accent who came out of nowhere. "by phillip pullman?" *praise be to god* she led me to the 2 remaining, tattered copies and gave me one (the better one) so i asked about all the different versions. she explained that they print adult versions cos adults dont wanna be label sad when they read on the tube (and true, cos i saw a copy of harry potter with this black cover and red crapply drawn chinese dragon. didnt catch which one/ cos i dont read it. what? why? its not that i find it sad or anything. its just that i dont read and a story about a boy going to a school for wizards just doesnt attract me) anyways, cos of the tatterness of the book, she gave me a 10% discount.

did mention that on my way to smiths i bought a big, chunky, chain bracelet in river island, which meera discribed as "cross male, cross female, cross male". . . very nice.

my evening of fun havent yet begun. meera's mum picked me, then meera (in piano lesson) up to go to a certain chinese restaurant to celebrate ellie, roz and claudi's leaving. it was supposed to b a surprise, but it only worked 4 claudi. it was one of those chinese all-u-can-eat restaurants. crap to the bone. grease. oil. everywhere. grace, katie and some other people were so pissed that grace was stroking meeras arm... mad wanted to be "miss independant woman" so she refused ticca's ffer 4 a lift. she tried to persuade ticca to go by bus *shiver* with her in vain, untill ticca realised that she had a fear of walking into a restaurant alone. insecure, anyone? so the got lost in glder's green and i got called twice: once only lasted 4 half a ring, other was "help! lok, we're lost!" so that was miryam to the rescue. independant. i was fussing over their losage, so meera said: "they're not that dumb." then the truth dawned upon us.

after the vvvbad food, we went to starbucks my fave coffee shop, which eminds me, babs owes me money.

none of this was about today. but then again u dont want me to discribe today, cos i think that epic story was quite the bedtime story *yawn* then again today wasnt as colourful as yesterday.

good night.

america includes canada.

<< freedom for 8 weeks >>

th since 5th october 2001